Lord, help me to examine myself first and not judge others
12th Week in Ordinary Time : Tuesday 21st June 2022
2 Kgs. 19:9b-11,14-21,31-35a,36;
Ps. 47:2-3ab,3cd-4,10-11;
Mt. 7:6,12-14 (Ps Wk IV)
The biblical drama in the Old Testament reading unfolds with Sennacherib (King of Assyria) arrogantly threatening Hezekiah (King of Judah) that he could vanquish Judah completely (as Assyrian kings have done “to every country” – v 13).
He irreverently asked Hezekiah to stop relying on God (v 10). Hezekiah’s response was to take the threatening letter to the Temple and “spread it out before the Lord” (v 14) in prayer (vv 15-19). He asked God to “listen” and to “see” the “insult” by Sennacherib of “the living God” (v 16). Twice in his prayer, Hezekiah says, “You alone are God” (vv 15, 19).
Almost immediately, Isaiah, the prophet, conveyed to Hezekiah God’s response — “I have heard the prayer you have addressed to Me” (v 20). God promised Hezekiah “I will protect this city (Jerusalem) and save it” (v 34) and that Sennacherib “shall not enter this city” (v 33). Indeed, that very night, 185,000 Assyrian men died in the Assyrian camp (v 35), and Sennacherib left and returned home to Nineveh (v 36).
When we are overwhelmed with life’s challenges, to whom do we turn for help?
Do we try to solve our dilemmas by ourselves or turn to human resources rather than God first? Hezekiah shows us the way to resolve the trials and tribulations of life. Pray first.
Lord, in You we trust, for You alone are God.
9 days Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus – 6th Day – click here
Theme: Tuesday 21 June: Knowing the person of Jesus
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