Ex 24:3-8; Ps. 115:12-13,15,16,17-18;
Heb. 9:11-15; Mk. 14:12-16,22-26
(Psalter proper)
The reading from the Book of Exodus recalls that our holy communion is a communion in the New Covenant, in the Blood of Christ. When Moses presented to his people the commands and ordinances of the Lord, they accepted and committed themselves to observe them all.
In recognition of this, Moses arranged for a sacrificial offering to be made. He then poured some of the blood of the sacrificed animals over the altar and sprinkled the rest over the assembled people. This was a symbol of uniting together in a pact or treaty or agreement between the people and the Lord, a commitment to both sides.
Christ is the “new Moses”, ratifying a new contract or covenant with the Father in His sacrifice of Himself on the Cross. It is His own blood that is the sign of this new commitment. When we receive the Body and Blood of Christ, we are thus making a commitment that we accept all the Lord’s commands and ordinances, with all their obligations towards God and His creation, towards other people and ourselves. On God’s side, His love for us is constant.
How does my participation in the Eucharist and communion express my receiving His law and my commitment to Him?
Lord, may my worship help me experience the peace of Your Kingdom and the salvation You won for me and others.
End with Novena Prayers to the Sacred Heart of Jesus – Day 4 of 9
9 Days Novena Reflection & Prayers to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Day 4 : Sunday 6th June 2021
Theme: Jesus our friend in need

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