

Palm Sunday, 14th April 2019

PALM SUNDAY (C)Palm Sunday, 14th April 2019Is. 50:4-7; Ps. 22(21):8-9,17-18,19-20,23-24; Phil. 2:6-11; Lk. 22:14-23:56 (Ps Wk II) Why did Jesus not resist? He certainly had the power to escape his suffering, and in the Garden of Gethsemane scene it was clear that he did not want to die. But he wanted to follow the will…

Saturday, 13th April 2019

5th Week of LentSaturday, 13th April 2019Ez. 37:21-28; (R. Ps.) Jer. 31:10,11-12,13; Jn. 11:45-56 (Ps Wk I) The key idea that flows like a golden thread in today's readings and psalm is that “God is re-gathering His scattered people”. In the first reading, the prophet Ezekiel speaks about the reunion of North Israel and Judah.…

Friday, 12th April 2019

5th Week of LentFriday, 12th April 2019Jer. 20:10-13; Ps.18(17):2-4,5-6,7; Jn. 10:31-42 (Ps Wk I) Today we hear painful words from the prophet Jeremiah. When he speaks the message that the Lord wants him to deliver, the people disrespect, denounce and scheme against him. The people do not believe Jeremiah, that Babylon will attack Judah and…

Thursday, 11th April 2019

5th Week of LentThursday, 11th April 2019Gen. 17:3-9; Ps. 105(104):4-5,6-7,8-9; Jn. 8:51-59 (Ps Wk I) God’s covenant with Abraham was a covenant of faith and trust. Abraham was asked by God to give up everything — homeland, people, security, and identity — and strike out into the unknown. In exchange for that trust, God would…

Wednesday, 10th April 2019

5th Week of LentWednesday, 10th April 2019Dan. 3:14-20,91-92,95; (R. Ps.) Dan. 3:52,53,54,55,56; Jn. 8:31-42 (Ps Wk I) “Happy are they who have kept the word with a generous heart and yield a harvest through perseverance”. These words of the Alleluia verse before the Gospel, are of course from Jesus’ explanation of his parable of the…

Tuesday, 9th April 2019

5th Week of LentTuesday, 9th April 2019Num. 21:4-9; Ps. 102(101):2-3,16-18,19-21; Jn. 8:21-30 (Ps Wk I) We all know what it is to be in distress.  It may be a result of losing something precious or someone we love, being retrenched, receiving news of a life-threatening disease, facing bankruptcy, failing an exam, etc.  What did we…

Monday, 8th April 2019

5th Week of LentMonday, 8th April 2019Dan. 13:1-9,15-17,19-30,33-62; Ps. 23(22):1-4,5-6; Jn. 8:12-20 (Ps Wk I) In the first reading, Suzanna is accused by two respected and learned judges, who themselves lust for her, of committing adultery. Though seemingly trapped in a culture where men of age and position determine her fate, Suzanna demonstrates that purity,…

Sunday, 7th April 2019

5th Week of LentSunday, 7th April 2019Is. 43:16-21; Ps. 126(125):1-3,4-5,6; Phil. 3:8-14; Jn. 8:1-11 (Ps Wk I) Today’s readings give us powerful messages.  Firstly, it tells of the almighty God who  is above all circumstances.  Prophet Isaiah reminded us of the protecting power of God by recalling the Crossing of the Red Sea where we…

Saturday, 6th April 2019

4th Week of LentSaturday, 6th April 2019Jer. 11:18-20; Ps. 8(7):2-3,9-10,11-12; Jn. 7:40-52 (Ps Wk IV) The Prophet Jeremiah, who suffered much, is often taken as a pre-figure of Jesus. Jeremiah sees himself “like a trusting lamb led to slaughter”. This image was also used by Isaiah in describing God’s Suffering Servant and so came to…

Friday, 5th April 2019

4th Week of LentFriday, 5th April 2019Wis. 2:1,12-22; Ps. 34(33):17-18,19-20,21,23; Jn. 7:1-2,10,25-30 (Ps Wk IV) A truly righteous and holy person is very threatening to some people. They see in this person everything that they are not. Rather than changing themselves, they want to destroy the one who makes them feel uncomfortable. They sometimes torment…