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3rd Week of Advent (A) : Sunday 11th December 2022

Come, Jesus, Come!3rd Week of Advent (A) : Sunday 11th December 2022Is. 35:1-6,10; Ps. 145:6-10; James 5:7-10; Mt. 1 1:2-11 (Ps. Wk. II) Dry, barren, and harsh describe the desert. In our lives, there are also desert spaces. Spiritual emptiness because prayer is dry. Emotional desolateness because loved ones hurt us. Wasted hopes because we’ve…

2nd Week of Advent (A) : Saturday 10th December 2022

St Damasus I, Pope2nd Week of Advent (A) : Saturday 10th December 2022Is. 48:1-4,9-11; Ps. 79:2-3,25-26,28-29; Mt. 17:10-13 (Ps. Wk. II) The colourful, exciting language used about Elijah is a measure of the hope he aroused in the hearts of faithful members of the Chosen People. His fiery preaching brought about a restoration of faith…

Third Week of Advent: Sunday, 11th December 2022

Daily Word Of GodMatthew 11:2-6, 7a, 10-11 John in his prison had heard what Christ was doing and he sent his disciples to ask him, ‘Are you the one who is to come, or are we to expect someone else?’ Jesus answered, ‘Go back and tell John what you hear and see; the blind see…

Third Week of Advent : Sunday 11th December, 2022

DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, Genealogy of Jesus: In today’s Gospel, the three fourteen generations of the genealogy of Israel reveals that humanity was “born for greatness; lost his greatness and regained his greatness through Jesus, the Messiah of the line of David.  Ponder on, “Thank God for the divine gift…

Second Week of Advent: Saturday, 10th December 2022

Daily Word Of GodMatthew 17:10-13 As they came down from the mountain the disciples put this question to Jesus, ‘Why then do the scribes say that Elijah must come first?’ He replied, ‘Elijah is indeed coming, and he will set everything right again; however, I tell you that Elijah has come already and they did…

Second Week of Advent : Saturday 10th December, 2022

DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, “Rejection of the Messiah”: In today’s world, the “Messiah” continues to be rejected, persecuted and disfigured.  Likewise, ponder on, “The great sadness of the “darkness” of secular power, atheistic ideologies and morality that promote “self-centred glory and gratification?”  All these “destroy lives, families and obstruct the faith…

Second Week of Advent: Friday, 9th December 2022

Daily Word Of GodMatthew 11:16-19 Jesus spoke to the crowds: ‘What comparison can I find for this generation? It is like children shouting to each other as they sit in the market place: We played the pipes for you, and you wouldn't dance; we sang dirges, and you wouldn't be mourners. ‘For John came, neither…

2nd Week of Advent (A) : Friday 9th December 2022

St John Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin2nd Week of Advent (A) : Friday 9th December 2022Is. 48:17-19; Ps. 1:1-4,6; Mt. 1 1:16-19 (Ps.Wk. II) When Jesus spoke in today’s Gospel reading, John the Baptist had already appeared as “a voice of one that cries in the desert” (Mt 3:1, 3). His call to repentance; and his ascetic lifestyle…

Second Week of Advent : Friday 9th December, 2022

DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, Faith – “Obstinacy, Blindness”:  In today’s Gospel, Jesus was deeply saddened by the crowd whose hearts were hardened and whose eyes were blind to the Truth of Salvation.  Ponder on, “Do we at times also ‘prefer’ to live a superficial life of the secular world; in…


Mother Mary, pray for usIMMACULATE CONCEPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY : Thursday 8th December 2022Gen. 3:9-15,20; Ps. 97:1,2-4; Eph. 1:3-6,1 1-12; Lk. 1:26-38 (Psalter Proper) After Adam and Eve disobeyed God, they became aware of their own nakedness and felt shame. They hid from God, as He called out, ‘Where are you?’ This drama…