Lord, may I always be faithful to You
4th Week of Lent (B) : Thursday 14th March 2024
Ex 32:7-14; Ps. 105:19-23;
Jn 5:31-47 (Ps. Wk. IV)
The Israelites had committed the ultimate sin – they had been unfaithful to God and had fashioned a god – the Golden Calf – which they now worshipped. God had done so much for the people, but they were unfaithful. Moses had been up on the mountain, and God told him what had happened and to step aside so He could destroy the people. An interesting scenario ensued, Moses had to calm God down, reminding Him of His kindness and mercy and the damage it would do to His reputation among the nations. God is generous, kind, and merciful, but God also expects that His love will be returned by us in the form of loving fidelity. That is certainly not asking too much.
People are strange – they will listen to practically anyone claiming to speak on behalf of God – often with disastrous consequences – but will not listen to the Son whom God sent. Jesus challenged them to believe because of the works that God had done through Him. The proof for Jesus is the effect that He has on the lives of those who take him seriously, and the way that he raises up the broken and fallen.
Lord, may I always be faithful to You.

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