
4th Week of Lent (B) : Saturday 16th March 2024

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Dear Lord, You are the refuge of the innocent, let us never waiver to be compassionate

4th Week of Lent (B) : Saturday 16th March 2024

Jer 11:18-20; Ps. 7:2-3, 9-12;
Jn 7:40-52 (Ps. Wk. IV)

Prophet Jeremiah is well aware of  the impending scheme by his haters and their cohorts to annihilate him. He described this grave situation without any naivety, it spells martyrdom. The Lord has opened his eyes to the unrestrained wickedness and evil. For him to face this threat alone is disconcerting, yet he found his precise bearing. What makes him fearless and responding in a non-violent manner?  There is a foolproof anchor in his gut. It is the Lord who called and commissioned him and Who will surely vindicate him. In the Lord, he takes refuge.

The chief priests and Pharisees too deviously intend to lay a trap on Jesus so that He commits a wrong  which would then publicly warrant an execution. However, people are torn apart with their own opinions of Jesus’ identity and authority as ‘Christ’ and ‘prophet. It becomes an unreconciled dispute for the crowd. The police, chief priests and Pharisees could not hold Him. When Nicodemus, a member of their own Pharisee circle, reasonably stated his point of giving a fair hearing to Jesus, he was ridiculed with an interjection that Jesus’ origin is gravely dubious.

The Lenten season is an opportune time that challenges our own conviction towards Jesus and the innocent in our midst. In such a situation, where do we stand and whom do we look up to?

Dear Lord, You are the refuge of the innocent, let us never waiver to be compassionate.    

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