Lord, let our actions speak of Your goodness to eveyryone
2nd Week of Lent (B) : Tuesday 27th February 2024
Is. 1:10,16-20; Ps. 49:8-9,16-17,21,23;
Mt. 23:1-12 (Ps. Wk. II)
Surely, we often hear the phrase “practise what we preach” and not infrequently, as Christians in general, we are told that we never practise what we preach. Sadly, no matter how we try to deny this fact, we have to acknowledge that it is true to a certain degree. This is why Jesus tells us today not to be guided by those who occupy the Chair of Moses i.e. those in teaching authority. There are many who teach but never practise what they teach but instead, behave contrary to what they teach.
We need to teach many things but only one thing is truly necessary – the love of God and neighbour. Everything boils down to this and, as St Paul reminds us, love is the one that will prevail. The response to the Responsorial Psalm of today states – “I will show God’s salvation to the upright.” If we truly love God and our neighbour, then what we teach to others will always lead them to salvation.
Our very lives must be a living example of this salvation. It is only when we realise our need to be saved that we truly heed the teachings of Christ and His Church by our deeds.
In this Lent, let us continue to pray for the grace to always be aware of our need for salvation and exercise our Christian duty.
Dear Lord, let our actions speak of Your goodness to us.

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