
Fifth Week of Easter : Saturday, 4th May 2024

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You are the Lord’s choice and that the best is yet to come!

Fifth Week of Easter : Saturday, 4th May 2024

Acts 16:1-10; Ps. 99:1-3, 5;
Jn 15:18-21 (Ps Wk I)

That Jesus had to warn us about the possibility of the world hating us shows how much we do not belong to this world but to God’s kingdom.  It is Jesus’ choice that we are withdrawn from this world. This does not mean that we hate the world in turn. Indeed, we are to live life to the fullest in this world for the glory of God. The world would love us if we lived for our own glory. This means embracing the world’s selfish, materialistic, and manipulative ways of looking at and doing things.

To live for the glory of God is not a lofty ideal; it is pragmatically translated into corporal works of mercy that God obliges us to carry out for the betterment of human society. This means to alleviate the suffering of our brothers and sisters in whatever ways, big and small, that we can afford on our part.  Jesus Christ did this when He walked the earth. We are to do likewise if we are to follow Him into eternal life. Jesus forewarns those He “withdraws from the world,” that the world’s hatred is real. Yet, remember His passion refuted the hatred of the world.

Persecution will follow those who work for justice and reconciliation. Adversaries to the Lord’s account will persecute because they do not recognise the source of Goodness. Our comfort is knowing that we are the Lord’s choice and that the best is yet to come!

Jesus, console us when our adversaries are overwhelming.

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