Lord, change me to abide in You and walk Your way
Third Week of Easter : Friday 19th April 2024
Acts 9:1-20; Ps. 116:1-2;
Jn. 6:52-59 (Ps. Wk. III)
As we think of Saul’s physical blindness, we are drawn to recognise that he was blind spiritually as well. However, God had chosen Saul for a great mission. Fortunately, Ananias was an obedient servant of the Lord. Although he had heard of Saul’s reputation and his intentions toward the followers of Jesus, he went to Saul, called him “Brother Saul” and laid hands on him for his healing. Our Lord used Ananias and then Saul was enabled to be the great servant, Paul, who began to proclaim the Gospel immediately. What an amazing transformation of heart!
Jesus had just told the crowd, “I am the bread of life.” He continued with the invitation to eat His body and drink His blood to have eternal life. This was a reference to His broken body sacrificed for the world. There are innuendos to the Eucharist here but also an invitation to live in a way that brings honour to Jesus – following the way of love and compassion and forgiveness that He taught. We are to abide in Jesus, and He will abide in us. That is the way to abundant life here on earth and eternal life with God. The great transformation takes place in the authentic personal encounter to abide in Jesus.
Lord, change me to abide in You and walk Your way.
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