
2nd Week of Advent (B) : Tuesday 12th December 2023

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Our Lady of Guadalupe , pray for us

2nd Week of Advent (B) : Tuesday 12th December 2023

Is. 40:1-11; Ps. 95:1-2,3 and 10ac,11-12a,12b-13;
Mt. 18:12-14 (Ps. Wk. II)

Zechariah answers a longing that people have had for centuries: to experience God deeply and personally. The prophecy assures the people that the Lord is coming to dwell in their midst. This prophecy should be an occasion of great rejoicing – the people will sing and shout. But when the Lord comes, there will also be a deep and reverent silence in the divine presence. And in this silence, we will experience communion with God. We can begin to experience this in our prayer and meditation.

Most of us would be frightened by the sudden apparition of an angel. But, although puzzled, Mary seemed to take it in stride and took Gabriel’s message to heart. She would not pester God with questions and explanations. As soon as she was reassured that this was God at work, she consented. Her one desire was to do God’s Will. She exemplifies one whose heart and mind are in harmony with God. This enabled her to be God’s instrument. If we bring our minds and hearts into harmony with God, we, too, can be effective instruments of His grace, love, and peace.

Lord, may it be done to me according to Your will.

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