Saint Philip & Saint James, pray for us
Feast of SS Philip and James, Apostles : Wedneday 3rd May 2023
1 Cor. 15:1-8; Ps. 18:2-3,4-5;
Jn. 14:6-14 (Ps Wk IV)
Jesus is the Way – Jesus calls us to the Father, “No one can come to the Father except through Me.” He does not just show us the way; He Himself is the Way to the Father. I want to follow Jesus more closely to the most loving Father despite the struggles along this way because Jesus is the Way, and He journeys with me.
Jesus is the Truth – to know and to have seen Jesus is to know and see the Father. God is all Truth. This I firmly believe. I have everything I need by relying on God, the Truth. Jesus is the one I cling to for security because to have a personal relationship with Jesus is to have an intimate relationship with God.
Jesus is the Life – Jesus maintains, “I am in the Father, and the Father is in Me.” Jesus is the source of my life. Jesus, living in the Father, gives me life in God. I flourish integrally in my life because I have Jesus.
Jesus carries out the work of the Father, and thus if we don’t believe in Him, He asks us to at least believe in the works that He has done. He further exhorts us that whoever believes in Him will perform the same works as He has done, and even greater works, because He is going to the Father.
By joining ourselves with Jesus, we are also His apostles, that is, those sent by Him to serve the greater need and carry out the works of God. As part of the original group of the apostles of Jesus, Philip and James did precisely that.
Jesus, You are the Way, the Truth and the Life. Lead me along this Way to the Truth and the Father.

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