Ss Paul Miki and Comps. martyrs, pray for us
5th Week in Ordinary Time (Year A) : Tuesday 6th February 2024
1 Kgs. 8:22-23,27-30; Ps. 83:3,4,5,10,11;
Mk. 7:1-13 (Ps. Wk. I)
The dedication of Solomon’s temple must have been a moving and solemn affair. Solomon wondered how God could be contained within a building – even within the world itself. God is without limit and to think that we can keep God within a building is to think less of Him. And yet because we are so limited in our perception and understanding we need something to grasp on to and a particular place to visit when we seek God. We visit certain places because they are sacred space and bring us closer to God. But let us not ever limit our thinking about God, for we cannot contain God within an idea, doctrine, or concept. God is God!
We limit God by the human-made rules that we impose on our belief. God has asked very little of us – compassion, justice, mercy, and forgiveness. Sometimes we evade these demands by obsession with rules. Jesus was criticized because His disciples did not perform the necessary purification before eating. Jesus insisted that it is not what we eat or drink – what goes into us – that is the problem. Instead, it is the negativity and evil that comes out of the human heart that gets us into trouble. Do not deify rules, customs, and traditions. One God is enough.
Lord, may I grow in my understanding of Your ways.

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