Jesus Lord, may I live in You alone!
6th Week in Ordinary Time (Year A) : Saturday 18th February 2023
Heb. 11:1-7; Ps. 144:2-5,10-11;
Mk. 9:2-13 (Ps. Wk. II)
The writer of the letter to the Hebrews presents a definition of faith. Then he gives a list of Old Testament figures whose lives illustrate some particular virtue and quality that meets the requirements described in the definition. The models of faith in the list are not mere dead persons from the past but those whose faith is illustrative of the same faith demanded of and essential in the very existence of Christians.
Today’s Gospel passage describes the Transfiguration. Two key Old Testament figures appear and converse with Jesus. Elijah represents the prophets and Moses, the Law. When the three disciples see this, they become aware that Jesus is the fulfilment of the prophets and the Law. Then, God’s voice from the cloud repeats what it has said earlier at Jesus’ baptism: “This is my beloved Son.” Then the voice adds, “Listen to Him”. In response, Peter wanted to build three booths, one each for Elijah, Moses and Jesus. But Jesus helps him understand that he and the other disciples must move on.
We were not present at the moment when Jesus was transfigured. However, the Transfiguration gives us a glimpse of the glory of Christ. It is given to us so we can move and live with Him and Him alone. It reminds us that Jesus is not merely an equal to Elijah and Moses. He is supremely greater than them or any other Old Testament figure because He has been designated Son of God on power by His victory over death.
Jesus, may I live in You alone.

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