
4th Week in Ordinary Time (Year A) : Saturday 4th February 2023

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  • 4th Week in Ordinary Time (Year A) : Saturday 4th February 2023

Lord, help me always to be attentive to the suffering of others

4th Week in Ordinary Time (Year A) : Saturday 4th February 2023

Heb. 13:15-17,20-21; Ps. 22:1-6;
Mk. 6:30-34 (Ps. Wk. IV)

Jesus is the great shepherd, always attentive to the suffering of humanity. The letter to the Hebrews indicates that God makes us complete in everything good so that we may do His will. This means we make our lives a sacrifice of praise, and there is no better way to praise God than to do good in His name. We do not have the last city; Hebrews insists that we must pass through this earthly one. Our key to the eternal city will be the good we leave behind.

People were desperate. They suffered from all sorts of illnesses and injuries and the effects of human cruelty and injustice. They kept coming in waves. Finally, Jesus tried to take the Apostles away for a bit of rest, but everyone followed. Jesus was moved with compassion – so much suffering and no one to lead, guide, or comfort them. The rest break could wait; He immediately began to tend to their hurts and needs.

We live in a time when human suffering has reached new heights. We cannot be trapped in our own problems and concerns. The faithful follower of Christ will be constantly alert for opportunities to ease the pain and burdens of others. This is what Pope  Francis has asked of us in his numerous calls for mercy and compassion – which is the way of Jesus. It is so simple but so easy to forget.

Lord, help me always to be attentive to the suffering of others.

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