St Albert the Great, bishop & doctor, pray for us
32nd Week in Ordinary Time : Wednesday 15th November 2023
Wis. 6:1-12; Ps. 81:3-4,6-7;
Lk. 17:11-19 (Ps. Wk. IV)
Are you someone with authority? Are you a manager, teacher or parent? Today, the Book of Wisdom advises kings, but its message applies to anyone who is a leader.
A good leader realises that past achievements are not solely the fruit of one’s efforts; God has an important role in this success. So, a wise leader is grateful. How does a wise leader move forward? He or she seeks God’s Will (God’s desire for him or her) and does it. This is not easy, but it brings blessings.
Jesus is a wise leader. He was given power and authority by the Father. Jesus uses these to bring healing and wholeness to people.
Today, Jesus hears the cry of ten people with leprosy. He heals them. They are made physically healthy and can now return to family, work and social life. Jesus uses His power to restore and affirm dignity.
The one man who returned was a Samaritan, an outsider in Jewish society. He is a surprise hero in this story…because he thanks Jesus. His heart of gratitude is an example for us all.
Authority – Do I use authority to affirm people and help them feel respected?
Gratitude – For what would I like to thank Jesus today?
Lord, fill my heart with wisdom and gratitude.

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