
29th Week in Ordinary Time : Saturday 28th October 2023

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Feast of SS Simon and Jude, Apostles, pray for us

29th Week in Ordinary Time : Saturday 28th October 2023

Eph. 2:19-22; Ps. 18:2-3,4-5;
Lk. 6:12-19 (Psalter proper or feast)

Our world is seriously divided, and even our Church has not been spared. Many identify themselves by what they are not rather than what they are, and there are deep divisions in our societies. Ephesians has another view: we are no longer strangers or aliens to God or one another. We belong to the household of God and united with Christ, we will grow into the holy temple of God. God is in our midst, within us; God is all around us. We need to awaken to that reality.

Jesus chose twelve to be His apostles. We might wonder if He could have chosen more wisely – they were a collection of human foibles and even included the betrayer of Jesus. But that is the point – Jesus chose ordinary, weak individuals and empowered them to do incredible and extraordinary things. It is God’s show, not ours. We should not shrink back and say that we cannot do something when God taps us on the shoulder. When we are weak and humble before God, we are strong.

Lord, show Your power through my weakness.

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