Jesus, I thank You for calling me to Your banquet
28th Week in Ordinary Time : Sunday 15th October 2023
Is. 25:6-10a; Ps. 22:1-3a,3b-4,5,6;
Phil. 4:12-14,19-20;
Mt. 22:1-14 (or 22:1-10) (Ps. Wk. IV)
Do you like a good meal? Today the Scripture tells us what the Kingdom of Heaven is like—a banquet.
Isaiah explains: “The Lord Almighty will prepare a feast of rich food for all peoples” (Is. 25:6). So the Kingdom is for all people, a place of celebration and nourishment, a place prepared personally by God.
Jesus’ story in the Gospel tells us more. The messengers are the prophets. Some people accept God’s invitation, and some do not. Interestingly, people who decline are not necessarily doing something obviously evil (e.g. murder); they are just too caught up in the busyness of work to notice God wants to bless them. So others are invited instead.
Yet, if everyone is invited, why is the person not wearing the proper garment thrown out? Entering the Kingdom of Heaven does have some requirements. We need to acknowledge we are sinners and, as much as possible, avoid sin in this life. This is not easy, but Jesus helps us. Repentance takes courage…but leads to eternal blessing.
Have I ever heard Jesus’ voice inviting me to something?
What is my garment like—relatively clean or very stained? Is there a sinful behaviour Jesus is inviting me to stop and so, with Him, live a healthier life?
Jesus, I thank You for calling me to Your banquet.
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