Lord, help me to be open and accept everyone, regardless of their background
26th Week in Ordinary Time : Tuesday 3rd October 2023
Zec. 8:20-23; Ps. 86:1-3,4-5,6-7;
Lk. 9:51-56 (Ps. Wk. II)
In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus, an observant Jew, is always portrayed as setting his goal towards Jerusalem. In today’s passage, He uses the shorter cut of getting into Jerusalem from Galilee, that is, by venturing into the territory of the Samaritans, who are considered enemies of the Jews. When the disciples are refused hospitality by the Samaritans, James and John want to pray for revenge upon them. But Jesus rebukes His followers. Jesus sees everyone as equal and wants to include them, regardless of their background.
In the passage from Zechariah today, we read about the Lord of Hosts as welcoming people from other great cities. They may seek the Lord in their own way. Thus, we do not refuse them. Zechariah mentions, “Ten men of nations of every language will take a Jew by the sleeve and say, ‘We want to go with you since we have learnt that God is with you.’”
How can we refuse their request? Even if they do not request this way, we include them as sisters and brothers. In the Psalm today, it is beautifully written that all are God’s children. And while they dance, they sing that all find their home in God.
I can ask myself: how open am I to diversity? God welcomes all people. In God, all find their home. Do I also welcome all people regardless of their background?
O Lord of unity, may I be open and accept everyone.

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