Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us
23rd Week in Ordinary Time : Saturday 16th September 2023
1 Tim. 1:15-17; Ps. 112:1-2,3-4,5a & 6-7;
Lk. 6:43-49 (Ps. Wk. III)
What makes us “good” or “bad”? It is what we “store” in our hearts. Jesus says, “A good person draws what is good from the store of goodness in his heart; a bad person draws what is bad from the store of badness” (v 45).
Do we know what we are storing in our hearts? What is the test? It is this – “for a person’s words flow out of what fills his heart” (v 45). Are we aware that our words reveal the “goodness” and the “badness” in our hearts (v 45)?
One way to come to self-knowledge of who we are is to diligently undertake the daily self-examination (Examen) and consciously recall our words for the day. In this spiritual exercise, as we sincerely and courageously acknowledge who we are in the presence of a merciful, forgiving, and loving God and seek God’s help to decrease in “badness”, we will grow in “goodness” – following God’s desire for us or do we listen and act on them?
What shall we do with the “words” of Jesus? Do we just listen and do nothing? Or do we listen and act on them? By listening and doing nothing, we will “ruin” ourselves and be known as foolish (v 49).
But by listening and acting on them, we will build for ourselves a firm foundation. We will be able to withstand the storms of life and be known as those who are “wise” (vv 47-48).
Just as our words reveal who we are, Jesus’ words reveal Who He is – “the Way, the Truth and the Life” (John 14:6).
Lord, we want to be those who keep Your word because we love You. (John 14:23).

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