Lord, lead me to surrender all to you
23rd Week in Ordinary Time : Monday 11th September 2023
Ez. 33:7-9; Ps. 94:1-2,6-9;
Rom. 13:8-10; Mt. 18:15-20 (Ps.Wk. III)
The man with the withered right-hand paints a poignant figure. Surprised by being called out of the blue by the Lord? Perhaps confused in the beginning? And yet he cooperated fully to the instructions of the Lord: “Stand up! Come out into the middle.” He came out and stood there.
The man did not feel being used by the Lord. He became a collaborator in witnessing Jesus as the Lord of the Sabbath. He was in the right place – where he should have been — on the Sabbath day.
The man complied when Jesus asked him, “Stretch out your hand.” He did so, and his hand was better. Was he glad that he helped the Lord? Perhaps we can assume that he followed the Lord. Right after this event Jesus missioned the Twelve.
St. Paul was transformed from an intransigent Pharisaical Jew to an Apostle to the Gentiles – unwillingly and surprisingly too. His life changed when he encountered the Lord. Later he would write that he was “happy to suffer … to do what I can to make up all that has still to be undergone by Christ for the sake of His body, the Church.” St. Paul allowed his suffering to be used by the Lord to expound God’s best-kept secret hidden for generations.
The man with the withered hand allowed his condition to reveal the Lord of the Sabbath. Perhaps we should ask: Has “our withered hand” revealed the Lord?
Lord, heal our withered hands and help us “to build together in love Your people and stir their minds… to know God’s secret.” Amen.

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