Lord, give me Your constant guidance and strength
22nd Week in Ordinary Time : Thursday 7th September 2023
Col. 1:9-14; Ps. 97:2-6;
Lk. 5:1-11 (Ps Wk. II)
We pray for many things, such as health, success, and relationships. The prayer of Colossians for Christians is the one prayer that should be in our hearts. It takes care of everything! Paul – or someone writing in his name – prayed that his community might be filled with spiritual understanding and complete knowledge of God’s Will. When we have that, everything else seems to fall into place. As the old saying goes, it is better to seek the God of consolation rather than the consolation of God.
Peter and his friends were probably irritated and amused when Jesus told them to put down their nets again. After all, they had fished all night without success. The final attempt was a winner because it was done with the Lord’s direction, guidance, and help. Similarly, we often become discouraged when our efforts to achieve something have been unsuccessful. Perhaps we have been trying too hard to do it alone – our ego and weakness get in the way. Make another attempt – but this time with Jesus. Maybe we will haul in a great catch! Jesus was gentle towards Peter at his weakness and unworthiness. Again, our journey is not about perfection or personal accomplishments. If Jesus calls us, He will make us the person we were meant to be. He will make us fishers of people. Let Jesus be your director, not just an occasional consultant.
Lord, give me Your constant guidance and strength.

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