St Clare, virgin, pray for us
18th Week in Ordinary Time : Friday 11th August 2023
Deut. 4:32-40; Ps. 76:12-16,21;
Mt. 16:24-28 (Ps. Wk. II)
“Did a people ever hear the voice of the living God speaking from the heart of the fire, as you heard it, and remain alive?”
It is indeed a pointed question directed to us even today. This question posed by Moses demands an answer. It ought to lead us to gratitude and wonderment. It moves us to remember the “deeds of the Lord” as the psalmist will sing for us today: “I remember your wonders of old. I muse on all your works… for your ways are holy … for your strong arm redeemed … and guided your flock.” Our answer is one and only: to choose life in the Lord.
We, who have walked with Jesus, have seen His wonderful deeds of reconciliation: restoring the estranged to the community; rendering wholeness to those marred by sins; deliverance to those possessed by evil spirits and addictions; satiating the hunger of the four thousand; ushering the Kingdom of God with many signs; and enlisting us to His mission, powerful in words and deeds. Peter seeing these powerful words and deeds of Jesus, has firmly declared that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of living God (cf. Mt. 16:16). Have we?
And Jesus adds: “Whoever wishes to come after Me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow Me.” It is a must if we want to follow Him.
Lord, may we choose life in following You, O Lord!

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