Saint Apollinaris, Bishop and Martyr, pray for us
15th Week in Ordinary Time : Thursday 20th July 2023
Ex. 3:13-20; Ps. 104:1 and 5,8-9,24-25,26-27;
Mt. 11:28-30 (Ps. Wk. III)
When Moses came upon the burning bush, he removed his sandals and spoke with God. He asked God for His name, to which God responded, “I am who I am.” God then added that He was the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Moses was to tell the people that God would free them from Egypt’s tyranny and take them to a wonderful land. Moses and the elders were to ask Pharoah for permission for the people to go into the wilderness to worship God for three days. God promised to make certain that the Israelites would be freed. Moses trusted. Here begins the story of the escape from Egypt.
Jesus was calling all people to Himself. He assured people that His burden was light. He encouraged those who were weary to come and rest in Him. He urged people to learn from Him as He told them that He was gentle and humble of heart and that they would find rest for their souls. We need to remember this as well. We must learn to be gentle and humble, which is the key to living like Jesus.
Lord, help me to be open to learn from You.

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