Lord, help me to be a faithful disciple no matter the cost
15th Week in Ordinary Time : Monday 17th July 2023
Ex. 1:8-14,22; Ps. 123:1-3,4-6,7-8;
Mt. 10:34—11-1 (Ps. Wk. III)
Joseph had brought his father and brothers and their families to Egypt during the famine. They had lived well as long as Joseph was alive; however, when Joseph died, there was a new Pharoah, and the situation changed. The Israelites became subject to forced labour, yet they still thrived, growing in number. The Pharoah grew concerned and decided to limit the Hebrew population by ordering the drowning of every boy born to the Hebrews. Thus, the stage was set for Moses’ early life story.
Jesus instructed His twelve disciples before sending them out to share His teachings. It would not have been easy for them as they would not be welcomed everywhere – even in their own families, there could be divisions.
Disciples of Jesus needed to put Him above all else and be willing to take up their cross – in other words, be willing to suffer. Jesus then proposed that those who accepted His disciples were really accepting Him. These same instructions apply to us today.
Lord, help me to be a faithful disciple no matter the cost.

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