St Bonaventure, bishop and doctor, pray for us
14th Week in Ordinary Time : Saturday 15th July 2023
Gen. 49:29-33; 50:15-26a;
Ps. 104:1-2,3-4,6-7;
Mt. 10:24-33 (Ps. Wk. II )
In today’s Gospel, Jesus repeats three times: ‘Do not be afraid’. However, it is easy to become anxious, fear sickness, conflict, failure or other painful things.
What is the opposite of fear? Love. St. Bonaventure (1221-1274), a Franciscan philosopher and theologian, tells us something profound about the power of love. He explains that it is good to intellectually know about God; however, when we experience God’s love personally, we become even more aware of who God is.
We see this power of love in the Genesis story of Joseph. Although his brothers hurt Joseph tremendously, instead of taking revenge, Joseph chose to care for them and their families: “Don’t be afraid…You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good…” (Gn. 50:19-20). Why did Joseph choose love? Joseph had personally experienced God’s care for him, so he chose to share this love.
Today Jesus tells us that we are of immense value to God. When challenges or darkness in life make us afraid, Jesus invites us to trust deeply in God’s care and love for us.
Have I ever experienced God caring for me personally?
What is my greatest fear in my life?
Jesus, I trust in You. May Your love overcome every fear in my heart.
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