Let us move away from judging and condemning others and truly become disciples of Jesus Christ
2nd Week of Lent : Monday 6th March 2023
Dan. 9:4-10; Ps. 78:8-9,11,13;
Lk. 6:36-38 (Ps. Wk. II)
In the Gospel reading, Jesus asked His disciples to practise three life-giving actions: “be compassionate” (v 36), “grant pardon” (v 37), and “give” (v 38). He continued by asking them not to “judge” and “condemn” others (v 37). Since we are Jesus’ disciples, His words are for us to live out.
In Jesus’ life, we see His words lived out: as He taught about ‘The Prodigal Son’ (Luke 15:11-32), being compassionate to Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-10), forgiving the woman caught in adultery (John 8:1-11) ‘and giving of Himself to us on the cross’.
During this Season of Lent, let us take time to examine ourselves and ask:-
1) On what issues do I regularly judge and condemn others? Do I struggle with these issues too?
2) What pardon have I extended to others?
3) When have I been compassionate and magnanimous towards others?
After examining ourselves, let us repent and confess to God our shortcomings and seek God’s pardon. Let us thank God for those in our lives who have followed Jesus’ words in today’s Gospel reading.
Let us pray that as we meditate, we will become more compassionate; pardon more readily; give more generously; move away, more and more, from judging and condemning others; and truly become disciples of Jesus Christ.
Lord, help us to live by Your commandment of love.

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