Lord, grant me the guidance of the Spirit
6th Week of Easter (A) : Wednesday 17th May 2023
Acts 17:15,22—18:1; Ps. 148:1-2,11-14;
Jn. 16:12-15 (Ps Wk II)
Paul was facing a hard audience – all of the philosophers in Athens. How could he proclaim the gospel? It was illegal to proclaim new gods, so Paul referred to an inscription there “to the unknown god.” This was his starting point. He praised their piety and wisdom and then told them about the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, and how Jesus would judge the living and the dead. Despite his attempt to reach them, most of them walked away in disgust – how can flesh be raised up? How can the divine become flesh? But a couple of people heard his words and believed. Our attempts are never wasted.
Jesus promised that He would not leave His followers orphans – He would send the Paraclete, the Spirit. The Spirit would continue to teach and reveal the truth – it would be the continual presence of Jesus in the community. It would shake people up, for it would lead them into all truth and prove the world wrong about nearly everything. That is why so many Christians have tried to domesticate or control the Spirit, but in the end, it will have its own way. How close are we to the Spirit? Do we let it guide and instruct us?
Lord, grant me the guidance of the Spirit.

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