Lord, may Your will always be accomplished in our world
6th Week of Easter (A) : Friday 19th May 2023
Acts 18:9-18; Ps. 46:2-7;
Jn. 16:20-23a (Ps Wk II)
Everything appeared to be going against Paul and his followers. Some had responded to his preaching by embracing the faith, but most opposed him. They plotted and schemed for him to be arrested. The Spirit assured Paul of divine protection – he should not be afraid to continue preaching the Gospel. And that is what he did! Let us not be frightened and cowed by the opposition.
Sometimes, evil and violence appear more potent and rule the world. The wicked seem to flourish, while those struggling to do what is right are persecuted and defeated. Jesus told His followers that the world would be gloating and cheering when He died, and the disciples would be sad. But He reassured them that soon after that, it would be the opposite. The world would be dismayed when Jesus rose from the dead, while His followers would rejoice. He used the image of a woman in labour – it is painful, but something wonderful happens. There is much joy. In the end, good triumphs, and God’s will prevails. We must have hope and courage in our rather dark and violent world. It belongs to God; it always has and always will.
Lord, may Your will always be accomplished in our world.

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