St Athanasius, Bishop & doctor
4th Week of Easter (A) : Tuesday 2nd May 2023
Acts 11:19-26; Ps. 86:1-3,4-5,6-7;
Jn. 10:22-30 (Ps Wk IV)
“The Father and I are one.”
Meditating on this verse helps us have a glimpse into the experience of the intimate relationship between Jesus and Father God. This spiritual exercise gives us the essence of our relationship with God and Jesus.
In the Gospel reading, we see Jesus in the Temple during the feast of Dedication or Lights, known as Hanukkah (2 Maccabees 10).
According to tradition, only enough oil was left to burn the flame for one day when the Temple was rededicated. However, the Maccabees set fire to the eternal flame at the rededication with the remaining oil supply.
Miraculously, God’s Holy presence caused the flame to burn for eight days until the new sacred oil was ready for use.
At this feast’s celebration, Jesus was asked again if He was the Messiah. While they were expecting a direct answer, Jesus’ reply was in terms of the shepherd’s Messianic image: “The sheep that belong to Me listen to My voice. I know them, and they follow Me. I give them eternal life.” (Jn.10:27-28).
Thus, Jesus spoke of Himself as the one the “Father had consecrated and sent into the world.” When His words were rejected, Jesus left the Temple.
So, let us be instruments and agents of peace, love and hope to the suffering under different circumstances.
“Lord, grant us the Easter joy, peace and hope to share with all around us.”
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