
3rd Week of Easter : Friday 28th April 2023

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St Peter Chanel, priest & martyr
St Louis Grignion de Montfort, priest

3rd Week of Easter : Friday 28th April 2023

Acts. 9:1-20; Ps. 116:1-2;
Jn. 6:52-59 (Ps. Wk. III)

We can be pretty sure of our convictions and opinions but also be totally wrong. Paul found himself in that position when he experienced an encounter with the risen Lord on the road to Damascus. He had worked very hard to wipe out Christianity and had persecuted savagely many members of the community. The Lord used the ‘heavy artillery’ to break through Paul’s closed-mindedness and illuminate him with the truth. Perhaps we have had similar experiences. God often uses difficult experiences to form and teach us. Some require more challenging lessons than others!

Jesus deliberately used shocking language to describe his role as the one who sustains and nourishes us. He wanted to test them to see who was spiritually astute and discerning. Eating flesh and drinking blood sounds as shocking today as it did to his listeners.

Those who did not take the trouble to penetrate its deep inner meaning were scandalised and walked away. When we meet difficulties in our understanding of the faith or of Scripture, it is very beneficial to wrestle and pray with the problem. Often the Spirit will reveal a deeper, hidden meaning that will enlighten us. Scripture and tradition are filled with surprises and treasures.

Lord, grant me a discerning mind and heart.

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