Lord, grant us the gifts of deep spirituality and prudence, to serve You all the days of our life
2nd Week of Easter : Saturday 22nd April 2023
Acts 6:1-7; Ps. 32:1-2,4-5,18-19;
Jn. 6:16-21 (Ps. Wk. II)
The account of the choice of the first seven Deacons shows that the early Church was quickly becoming an international community. Both Jews and Gentiles had found the fullness of truth in Christ Jesus.
We also see the Church growing in maturity. Jesus had given no instructions about such things as accepting Gentiles, choosing Deacons, or ordaining them by the imposition of hands. The Church had to decide such things for itself. The question of accepting Gentiles did cause problems, as we see from the Letters of St Paul, but the Church was open to the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
It is important to note the qualities “the Twelve” demanded in candidates for the new office of Deacon: they were to be “deeply spiritual and prudent”. Through the imposition of hands, they would receive the many graces needed for their office, including the graces of holiness and wisdom. “Grace builds on nature”, so “The Twelve” demanded certain human qualities in these candidates. It is interesting to note that, in his Letters, Saint Paul often prays that his communities would receive similar gifts: spiritual insight, prudence, wisdom, sound judgement, and discernment.
Grant us all, Lord, the gifts of deep spirituality and prudence, that we may serve You wisely all the days of our life.

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