St Francis de Sales, Bishop and doctor
THE CONVERSION OF ST. PAUL, THE APOSTLE : Wednesday 25th January 2023
Acts 22:3-16 or Acts 9:1-22;
Ps. 116:1,2; Mk. 16:15-18 (Ps. Wk. III)
The passage from Acts of the Apostles is the first of several apologetic or defence speeches for Paul’s missionary work among the Jews. Having been brought up in Jerusalem and having studied under the great Jewish rabbi Gamaliel, Paul is shown as someone who is thoroughly grounded in Judaism. So zealous was he for his faith, that he persecuted Christianity which was considered a deviant sect. The fact that Paul persecuted Christians in and around Jerusalem meant that he was likely well known by the Jews in the city.
Therefore, his conversion to Christianity, and his mandate to preach the Good News of Christ to the Jews could not have happened without his encountering the Risen Lord on the road to Damascus. The experience transformed his whole life. He is now a Christian but still an ardent Jew who serves Jesus and has commanded his followers to preach the Good News to all people. This is a commandment given by Jesus to His first disciples after His resurrection.
Their preaching of the Good News will be accompanied by signs, that is, deliverance from evil spirits, the gift of tongues, the ability to pick up snakes with one’s hands, to be unharmed when they drink deadly poison and to lay hands on the sick who will recover. Paul’s missionary work among the Jews, is rooted in his conversion and his conviction that Jesus is the Son of God.
Lord, give me the courage to preach the Good News.

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