
ALL SOULS DAY (A) : Thursday 2nd November 2023

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Lord, be merciful to all the faithful departed

ALL SOULS DAY (A) : Thursday 2nd November 2023

Is. 25:6-9; Ps. 26:1, 4, 7, 8-9, 13-14;
Rom. 5:5-11; Lk. 7:11-17

Today, we remember all those in our family and other dear ones who have gone before us to their eternal home with God. We are grateful to those who had shown us the way to God – continuing Jesus’ mission on earth.

The Gospel passage from Matthew outlines 3 important points:

  1. i) Jesus praised God for revealing to the ‘little ones’ not to the learned but to the simple, the outcast and the poor.
  2. ii) Jesus’ identity and His relationship with Father God, and

iii)  Jesus’ invitation to all who are over-burdened.

These determine the relationship between Father God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit – the Holy Trinity. As followers of Jesus, we long for this intimate relationship between God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

In  Mt. 11:28-30, Jesus invites all to REST with Him, a gift of the Kingdom to which we all desire to belong.

All Souls’ Day reminds us of the assurance of the Kingdom’s presence even when we are alive on earth. Rest for the soul is the most desirable rest for us. This rest entails the time we sit at the feet of the Lord, hear and listen to His Word and put it into practice.

May this All Souls’ Day help us recall and be drawn closer to our dear ones in God the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, who continue to guide us daily.

“Let us unite ourselves with all the faithful departed and continue to ask God for mercy and compassion.”

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