
SOLEMNITY OF ALL SAINTS (A) : Wednesday 1st November 2023

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All ye Angels and Saints of the Lord, pray for us

SOLEMNITY OF ALL SAINTS (A) : Wednesday 1st November 2023

Rev. 7:2-4, 9-14; Ps.24(23): 1-2, 3-4ab,5-6;
1 Jn.3:1-3; Mt.5:1-12a (Psalter proper)

The visions of Revelation give us a glimpse into a higher reality – life with God. In the vision, people from every tribe, nation, and tongue are glorifying and praising God. This tells us that God is for everyone and that all are equal in God’s eyes. The divine embrace excludes no one – and we should not either. John assures us that when we accept Jesus and make Him our guide, teacher, and saviour, we can be called children of God – adopted into a closer relationship with the Father. We are in the process of becoming – what we will become, we do not know, for it is beyond our comprehension and imagination. We do know that we will be like Him. Finally, the Beatitudes describe Jesus and who we hope to become. The Beatitudes are divine principles of humility, kindness, compassion, non-violence, purity of mind and heart, and unceasing concern for the well-being and happiness of others and for the common good. These principles are not optional but required of all who desire to dwell in God’s presence. They are not rules or commandments but the tools by which we are transformed into the likeness and reflection of Jesus. We celebrate All Saints, and that includes us, even though we are still on the journey.

Lord, help me to be like You.

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