Lord, I pray for personal friendship with You
Feast of St John, Apostle & Evangelist : Tuesday 27th December 2022
1 Jn. 1:1-4; Ps. 96:1-2,5-6,1
Jn. 20:1a,2-8 (Ps. Wk. I)
John did not deal in fantasies or rumours, just reality. And the reality for him and his community was the person of Jesus Christ, who had lived, walked, taught, healed, and died in their midst.
They had seen Him, touched Him; they had witnessed His glorious deeds.
He was not a phantasm or apparition. They wanted others to know the truth and reliability of the Gospel proclaimed to them. Today the challenge is great to announce that word in a world that does not want to hear it. The only way we can be convincing is if we have seen, heard, and touched the Lord – not in person, but in the Spirit. Without a personal friendship with Jesus, our preaching will be hollow indeed, and that is today’s problem.
The two apostles, called by Mary Magdalene, raced to the tomb. It was empty indeed, just as she had said. They were perplexed at first because they did not yet understand the meaning of ‘rising from the dead.’ But the beloved disciple saw and believed. He knew that Jesus had risen and that it was not a hoax. We see and believe through our personal encounters with the risen Lord. Belief comes through personal experience.
Lord, I pray for personal friendship with You.

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