
THE PRESENTATION OF THE LORD : Wednesday 2nd February 2022

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Lord, may we respond fully to the call to be renewed as God’s people

THE PRESENTATION OF THE LORD : Wednesday 2nd February 2022

Mal. 3:1-4 or Hebr. 2:14-18; Ps.23:7,8,9,10;
Lk. 2:22-40 (or 22-32) (Ps Wk IV)

Malachi prophesies in the first reading that the Lord is going to appear suddenly in the Temple of Jerusalem, to purify its priests and the people. The prophecy warns that nobody can endure the day of the Messenger’s coming because He will be like a refining fire, purifying the sons of Levi.

Led by the Spirit, Simeon saw the Infant Jesus as the fulfilment of this passage.  He saw Jesus as the Lord who would come to the Temple, “destined to be the downfall and the rise of many in Israel.”  Anna praised God for the child “looked forward to by all” for the deliverance of Jerusalem.

Both Simeon and Anna linked the Old Testament with the New Testament in the person of Jesus. Both exemplified this wait for the encounter.

Today’s Gospel begins “when the day came for them to be purified”. The parents of Jesus intended to redeem Jesus, who is the firstborn in the family, and for Mary herself to be ritually purified. The Lord will enter His Temple. There will be a renewed priesthood, and there will be a pure sacrifice offered worldwide and pleasing to God — the Eucharist.

Simeon and Anna pointed to Mary’s unique role in the redemptive work of her Son. May we, together with Mary, respond fully to this task too.

Lord, may we respond fully to the call to be renewed as God’s people. Amen.

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