St Angela Merici, virgin
3rd Week in Ordinary Time : Wednesday 27th January 2021
Heb. 10:11-18; Ps. 109:1,2,3,4;
Mk. 4:1-20 (Ps Wk III)
The parable of the Sower is familiar to us. We see this parable’s emphasis is on the act of sowing and the rich harvest at the end. Yet this ministry/mission does not always bear fruit. We are bound to face opposition in the process of imparting the love of Jesus — the Word.
The obstacle in accepting Christ’s message includes the lack of faith when confronted with trials, temptations and persecution and submission to the worldly cares, e.g., love for money/wealth, power, materialism and individualism.
In today’s context, we admit that we experience the different responses to the Good News we bring to others. So, we are aware of the challenges ahead of us and to face them with courage.
What does the Word of God say to us at this time of the pandemic?
Confronted by numerous difficulties, we are to call on God and depend on the power of God as we read in the first reading — “where he is now waiting until his enemies are made into a footstool for him… Holy Spirit assures us of this … I will put my laws into the hearts and write them on their minds…”
“Lord, grant us the grace to rely on Your Holy Spirit to help us live out our Christian responsibility in the society we live in.”

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