Lord, help me to remember that You are in charge and that all will be well
3rd Week in Ordinary Time : Saturday 30th January 2021
Heb. 11:1-2,8-19; (R. Ps.) Lk. 1:69-70,71-72; 73-75;
Mk. 4:35-41 (Ps Wk III)
Through the example of Abraham, the writer explained that faith was not something tangible. If they could see the results, that would not be faith.
To have faith would mean to have hope — a firm hope that God would provide what was needed, that God would provide what he had promised. What did God promise?
To love all people! Jesus left the people with the promise that he would be with them always. The fulfilment of that promise is the presence of the Holy Spirit with us and within us to guide us through life — if only we would have faith.
One night the disciples and Jesus were in a boat on the Sea of Galilee when a storm came up. Jesus kept sleeping, so the frightened disciples woke him up. Immediately, Jesus calmed the storm and questioned them about their lack of faith.
The disciples had called Jesus “Teacher” when they woke him up, but after he calmed the storm, they began to wonder about Jesus’ true identity. Only God could calm a storm. Was Jesus more than a teacher?
Who do you think Jesus is? Always remember that God is in charge, and all will be well.
Lord, help me have the faith to know that You are with me and guiding me truly.

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