
7th Week in Ordinary Time (C) : Tuesday 22nd February 2022

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7th Week in Ordinary Time (C) : Tuesday 22nd February 2022

1 Pt. 5:1-4; Ps. 22:1-3a,3b-4,5,6;
Mt. 16:13-19 (Ps Wk III)

The Scripture readings today deal with Christian leadership. The Gospel passage describes the incident where Jesus asks his disciples about the speculation among the people regarding his identity. After having heard the responses from the disciples, Jesus asks them for their own assessment as to who they think he is.

Peter appears as the spokesperson for the group and proclaims that Jesus is “the Son of the living God”. Jesus declares that Peter’s confession is divinely revealed. Jesus then proclaims that Peter will be the rock on which the Christian community will be built after Jesus’ death and resurrection. He also gives        special authority to Peter. With this, Peter is recognised as the leader of the Church to be established by Jesus.

The writer of the first letter of Peter highlights the household duties which the elders of the community are to perform and adhere to. The elders are to carry out their ministry with sincerity and eagerness, their motives are to be noble, and their exercise of leadership should be supportive and not authoritative. These are the qualities demanded of all Christian leaders by the New Testament Church.

In short, what is expected of them is the leadership style of Jesus, namely, leaders are to be at the service of the people.

Lord, send us true shepherds.

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