
3rd Week in Ordinary Time : Sunday 23rd January 2022

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Lord, help me to reveal Christ to others and to the world

3rd Week in Ordinary Time : Sunday 23rd January 2022

Neh. 8:2-4,5-6,8-10; Ps. 18:8,9,10,15;
1 Cor. 12:12-30 (or 12-14,27)
Lk. 1:1-4; 4:14-21 (Ps Wk III)

The Israelites had been in Babylonian exile for fifty years. They had forgotten the laws and traditions of their religion. Ezra assembled the people and read aloud the entire law as revealed in the Old Testament.

They were devastated, for they realised how far they had strayed from God’s path. But Ezra told them to be of good cheer – experiencing a spiritual reawakening and returning to the path is always a cause for rejoicing. Regardless of the mistakes we make, we can always find the path again.

Paul had to remind Corinth’s quarrelsome and fractious community that they were all part of one body – Christ. If they lived in the Spirit, they would all be interconnected. They would experience joys and sorrows together; the fortunes of one were the fortunes of all.

In our divided world, this spirituality is sorely needed. Jesus began his ministry by reading from Isaiah 61 and applying it to himself. His mission was mercy, kindness, hope, new life, and restoration. In other words, God. His gifts are still available to us whenever we open our minds and hearts. And that should be our gift to others, for when we do so, we are revealing Christ to the world.

Lord, may I reveal Jesus in my thoughts, words, and deeds.

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