St Charles Borromeo, bishop
31st Week in Ordinary Time : Wednesday 4th November 2020
Phil. 2:12-18; Ps. 26:1,4,13-14;
Lk. 14:25-33 (Ps Wk III)
God is always at work in us, and that should be a source of joy but also of ‘fear and trembling.’ God is so near and cares so much for our transformation and growth!
Paul encouraged his followers not to be concerned or upset over the behaviour they saw in the culture around them. Instead, they were to redouble their efforts at cooperating with the holy work that God was accomplishing in them. Every day is a delightful opportunity to grow and to know God more closely.
The Lord certainly does not call us to hate, especially family, friends, or our own life. The word ‘hate’ needs to be translated from the ancient Israelite culture to our own time. To ‘hate’ meant not to look at or have much regard for something or someone. In the context of discipleship, it simply meant that our relationship with the Lord and our commitment to follow in his footsteps had to be our absolute number one priority. We cannot let the opinions of others or the expectations of family and friends or even our own convenience and comfort distract us from that path of discipleship.
Jesus finished this teaching with a couple of parables about counting the cost. Are we really prepared for the demands of discipleship? We should not claim to be a disciple if we are not willing to do our best to make the necessary sacrifices. How willing are we to be inconvenienced for the sake of others or our religious commitment?
Lord, help me to be a faithful disciple.

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