Lord, help me to know you plan and seek to do your Will always
25th Week in Ordinary Time (B) : Saturday 25th September 2021
Zec. 2:5-9,14-15; (R. Ps.) Jer. 31:10,11-12,13;
Lk. 9:43-45 (Ps Wk I)
It is hard for human beings to fathom the mind and plans of God. Zephaniah has a vision where he sees a young man measuring the breadth and length of Jerusalem to build walls around the holy city. Then, a second angel appears to Zephaniah and tells him to inform the man to stop measuring the city. A wall built by human hands is not needed because God Himself will be a wall of fire around the city and the glory in the midst of her.
In order to understand the message in the vision, it has to be noted that at the time of Zephaniah, many political, social and religious changes were taking place in Jerusalem. Plans were being put forward for the city’s improvement during the early years of the reign of King Josiah, who had inherited a kingdom where social injustices and idolatrous practices have taken place during the rule of former kings. While man-made plans are good, nothing can replace the rule of God over Jerusalem, for it is God who will provide for and guard the city.
Human beings’ failure to understand the plan of God is also seen in the gospel passage. Although the people were full of admiration for what Jesus did, Jesus had to remind his disciples that over time, he will be put to death. Although they had been with him for some time, the disciples too fail to comprehend who Jesus really is and what he has to undergo to bring salvation to all humanity.
Lord, help me always to know Your purposes.

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