Lord, help us to answer the prayers of others in their times of need
9th Week in Ordinary Time : Friday 4th June 2021
Tob. 6:10-11; 7:1,9-17; 8:4-9; Ps. 127:1-2,4-5; Mk. 12:28-34 (Ps Wk I)
In Psalm 145(146), the Psalmist lists nine categories of people and the situations that they are in, where they can praise God. For those who are “oppressed”, God will be “just” to them (v 7). For those who are “hungry”, God will give them “bread” (v 7). For those who are in prison, God will set them “free” (v 7). For those who are “blind”, God will give them “sight” (v 8). For those who are “bowed down”, God will raise them up (v 8). For those who are strangers, God will “protect” them (v 9). For those who are widows and orphans, God will uphold them (v 9). For those who are “just”, God will love them (v 8-c).
In this lifetime, not everyone who is oppressed will receive justice. Not everyone who is hungry will be fed. Not everyone who is in prison will be freed. Not every blind person will see again. Not everyone who is bowed down will be raised. Not every stranger will be protected. Not every widow and orphan will be upheld.
And yet, because Psalm 146 is in the Bible, we can pray with it, asking God for justice … bread … freedom … sight … protection … to be raised … to be upheld. Why? Because God “keeps faith forever” (v 6). And the words that God “keeps faith forever” is fulfilled, many times, through the collective response of the community of faith, to the needs that are seen and heard in everyday life.
Lord, help us to answer the prayers of others in their times of need, even as others answer our prayers. in our times of need.
End with Novena Prayers to the Sacred Heart of Jesus – Day 2 of 9
9 Days Novena Reflection & Prayers to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Day 2: Friday 4th June 2021
Theme: Jesus the compassionate friend

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