
6th Week in Ordinary Time : Thursday 20th February 2020

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Lord, help me to be your faithful follower

6th Week in Ordinary Time : Thursday 20th February 2020

Jm. 2:1-9; Ps. 34(33):2-3,4-5,6-7;
Mk. 8:27-33 (Ps Wk II)

James wrote effectively and presented Christianity as a way of life rather than just a set of beliefs. James felt that Christians were discriminating against the poor while they were very welcoming to the rich. He accused them of judging others by outward appearances rather than loving their neighbour as Jesus taught.

Then James challenged the people by writing that God favoured the poor and wanted the people to avoid showing favouritism to the wealthy. In our society, how do we defer to the wealthy and ignore the poor?

Jesus had just healed a blind man and then journeyed on with his disciples to Caesarea Philippi. In this conversation, Jesus asked his disciples who people thought he was. The answers varied from John the Baptist to Elijah to a prophet. But when Jesus asked the disciples, Peter declared, “You are the Messiah.”

Jesus not only told the disciples not to tell anyone, but he also explained the suffering he would experience. Peter couldn’t bear the thought of Jesus suffering — he wanted a victorious Messiah; however, Jesus’ response spoke of divine wisdom as opposed to human wisdom.

In human terms, Jesus’ suffering would not make sense, but God’s wisdom was greater. Are we still trying to make Jesus into a victorious Messiah rather than accepting Jesus, the suffering servant?

Lord, help me to be a faithful follower of the way of Christ.

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