Kindness, mercy, and compassion are the best way to proclaim the Gospel
2nd Week in Ordinary Time : Thursday 23rd January 2020
1 Sam. 18:6-9; 19:1-7; Ps 56(55):2-3,9-11,12-13;
Mk. 3:7-12 (Ps Wk II)
Saul was upset. Although the people sang his praises, but they sang them a bit louder for David. Saul had killed thousands of the enemy (what a terrible thing to brag about!), but David had killed tens of thousands. There had always been bad blood and animosity between Saul and David, and now it increased. Our wounded egos and hurt feelings can be dangerous things and cause a lot of damage. Pride is a form of fear — when we are content with who and what we are, we do not feel a need to ‘defend’ ourselves.
The crowds were desperate, for they suffered greatly from many afflictions: disease, demonic possession, deformities, and all manner of unhappiness. They pressed in on Jesus until they were in danger of overwhelming him. In addition to their pain, they felt great hope — Jesus had shown them the mercy and compassion of God. They dared to believe that there was a way out of their misery. Perhaps the highest service that we can do for God and other people today is to give hope. Hope is very scarce — we live in a very uncertain and frightening world, and many people feel that they have no future. We turn to Jesus in our need, but we also share with others what he gives to us. Kindness, mercy, and compassion are the best way to proclaim the Gospel.
Lord, may I give hope to others.
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