
12th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) : 21st June 2020

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  • 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) : 21st June 2020

Lord, Bless us with all the faith, hope and love which we need to look beyond life’s challenges

12th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) : 21st June 2020

Jer. 20:10-13; Ps. 69(68):8-10,14,17,33-35; Rom. 5:12-15; Mt. 10:26-33 (Ps Wk IV)

There are moments  in life when we are entirely helpless, and there is nothing to restore hope in us. The worst is when we even lose sight of the divine. That is when we think that we are fighting a lone battle. And more often than not, we blame people and circumstances outside us. The first reading stands as an example of such a moment.

Slowly we begin to think that our consolation lies in the destruction of the enemy. In such moments, we may cry to God: “would it spoil some vast eternal plan if things did go my way at least some times”?

But God’s ways are very different … God chooses to bring down rain on both the good and the bad, decides to make the first last and the last first. If that is so, then it requires abundant grace to look at reality from the eyes of the divine.

Lord, we believe that grace abounds where sin abounds. Even when circumstances are depressing, give us the grace to find Your hand guiding us and thus find hope. Bless us with all the faith, hope and love which we need to look beyond life’s challenges.


Special Prayers to the Sacred Heart of Jesus


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