
12th Week in Ordinary Time : Friday 26th June 2020

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  • 12th Week in Ordinary Time : Friday 26th June 2020

Help me to reach out to others and attend to their needs, as you have attended to mine.

12th Week in Ordinary Time : Friday 26th June 2020

2 Kgs. 25:1-12; Ps. 137(136):1-2, 3, 4-5,6; Mt 8: 1-4 (Ps Wk IV)

Jesus came down from the mountain, and great crowds followed  him. A leper somehow  managed  to come close to him, and asked him to heal him, saying,

‘Lord, if you choose to, you can make me clean.’

Lepers were considered unclean and were treated as outcasts of society. This leper made his petition with humility, respect and openness to divine mercy. He understood that many people were, like him, in great misery and were seeking the attention of the Divine. His respect for and faith in Jesus showed that he understood that God was free to act. And, indeed, Jesus’ response to him was, ‘Yes, I do choose to. Be made clean.’

The marvel of Jesus’ heart is revealed here. Instead of tending to the crowds, Jesus focuses on a leper and thus, makes him the object of divine attention.

Lord, allow me to rest and relax in the blessed mystery of being loved and healed. Help me to reach out to others and attend to their needs, as you have attended to mine.


Special Prayers to the Sacred Heart of Jesus


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