St Elizabeth of Hungary, religious
33rd Week in Ordinary Time (C) : Thursday 17th November 2022
Rev. 5:1-10; Ps. 149:1-2,3-4,5-6a and 9b;
Lk. 19:41-44 (Ps. Wk. I)
The Gospel passage describes that Jesus weeps over Jerusalem because the city cannot recognise the things that make for peace, a peace which is heavenly and not earthly. She will not accept the true peace He offers by His coming. He announces Jerusalem’s destruction and attributes it to her inability to recognise His visitation time. The earlier destruction occurred when the city refused to listen to Jeremiah and the other prophets; this time, it would come because of the failure to accept the Messiah.
Destruction and death, however, will not have the last word. Jesus will emerge victorious. This fact is clearly shown in John’s vision. The One sitting on the throne holds a sealed scroll with writings on the back and front. The angel issues the summons to the whole cosmos to witness the opening of the book, something that cannot be performed by any creature. In realising this, John weeps bitterly but is consoled by one of the elders who says that the Lion of Judah will answer the call. The Messiah is present and is worthy to open the book.
In reading this passage, Christians will know that the victory won by Christ was by His death and resurrection. This is symbolised in the vision as the slaughtered Lamb. In response, the heavenly chorus praises the victorious Lord, enthroned in heaven. Thus, the universality of God’s rule is echoed in the universal redemption won by the atoning death of the Lamb. The whole cosmos praises God and the Lamb for their saving power. May we do the same.
Jesus, You are victorious. Amen.

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