St Lawrence of Brindisi, priest & doctor
16th Week in Ordinary Time : Thursday 21st July 2022
Jer. 2:1-3,7-8,12-13; Ps. 35:6-7ab,8-9;
10-11; Mt. 13:10-17 (Ps Wk IV)
What do we do in the face of godlessness and wickedness confronting and challenging us in our daily living?
Rather than expand unnecessarily and sap energy by focusing on the discouraging evil that tries to undo and topple us, we need to concentrate on the goodness of God as presented in the Responsorial Psalm today. The Psalmist tells us:
* trust in God’s love which is so high that it “reaches to heaven” (v 5);
* rely on God’s truth which is so vast that it reaches “to the skies”;
* surrender our cause to God because God’s saving justice is solid like the mighty towering mountains (v 6);
* know with certainty that God’s judgements are full of wisdom (v 6);
* be assured that the “wings” of God are always there to “shelter” us and give us “refuge” from the storms of life (v 7);
* know with certainty that all that lives on land, sea, and sky, comes from the all-powerful God, Who is the “source of life” (v 9);
* and to live enlightened lives because in God’s “light we see the light’ (v 9).
May we, as we meditate on these words about the goodness of God, draw courage to live with joy and confidence as the children of God.
Lord, thank You for Your precious love for us.

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