Lord, help me trust in You completely
ST MARK, EVANGELIST : Tuesday 25th April 2023
1 Pt. 5:5-14; Ps. 88:2-3,6-7,16-17;
Mk. 16:15-20 (Ps. Wk. III)
Mark, the Gospel writer, wants the disciples of Jesus to become men and women who are ready to spread the Good News that God has raised Jesus from the dead. He wants them to do so with boldness and conviction.
Mark’s intention is to tell Christians that the Gospel was written to help them peresevere as faithful follow¬ers of Jesus. The Resurrection is not the end! Jesus has gone ahead of them. Now, they have to go forth and read the signs of the times that demonstrate the power of Jesus. They are to care for the needs of those most in need until He comes again. They are to trust in Him and give life to those without hope.
In the first letter of Peter, Christians are reminded that they can only succeed in this mission if they have the right knowledge of God. Unlike the pagan gods, the God of Jesus is truly powerful, trustworthy, and genuinely faithful. God wants us to be happy, and He will vindicate us from suffering, just as God the Father raised His Son, Jesus. He sends us on a mission to preach the Gospel without fear or trembling, with the assurance that He is with us. No adversary can withstand our God – not sin, death, or Satan. Therefore, we can place total trust in Him and fully obey Him.
Lord, help me trust in You completely.

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